Do you have a goal of creating a more sustainable lifestyle this year? This step-by-step guide will walk you through five key components to help you change your habits and lifestyle to be more green more consistently.

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I remember when my sister talked me into signing up for a Disney Princess half marathon (stick with me – I promise I’ll connect this back to sustainable lifestyle goals and habits!). I don’t enjoy running and I can’t say I’m particularly good at it. Nearly every run I went on I asked myself “Why am I doing this again?”. 

But I didn’t give up. I completed the training program and ran the race with my sister and we had a great time (by that I mean we had fun together, not that we ran a fast race😉)

Why didn’t I give up on that when I’ve given up on other things, like learning how to play guitar?

The 5 Reasons

  1. Goal – There was a clear goal – run 13.1 miles.
  2. Motivation – I knew my motivation for wanting to run a half marathon. At the time I was in graduate school and I was struggling with my research project. I knew that doing a tough race would help me prove to myself that I could complete something that was difficult. I hoped that kind of mental toughness would give me confidence in completing other difficult tasks in my life. 
  3. Support – My sister was my long-distance training buddy. She encouraged me when I needed extra motivation. I also found a program online that helped me slowly build up to the point where I could run the full distance. This reassured me that I didn’t need to do everything all at once  – slow and steady progress is still progress.
  4. Investment – I invested money and time in the run. I signed up for the race knowing that if I paid the fee I would be less likely to try to back out of it.
  5. Perseverance – Were there days when I decided that I just didn’t have the energy/time for the prescribed run for the day? Absolutely. And when that happens it is easy to start to think “well, I skipped yesterday so now the schedule is all wrong I might as well give up”. This is where perseverance comes in. Give yourself grace to miss a day, but don’t let that be an excuse to give up. 

Applying It To Your Sustainable Lifestyle Goals

Step 1. Identity your goal 

With all the talk of zero waste, green living, ethical living, and more, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Is anyone else intimidated by the posts of people fitting their trash for the month in a tiny glass jar?? If that’s where you are at or where you want to be, that’s great! I have a lot of respect for that kind of lifestyle, but as a mom of a baby and a toddler that level of commitment feels beyond my reach (flashback to this morning when I gave my daughter a bandage for her nonexistent “owie” so that she would stop whining).

We are all on our own journey. I am not here to judge you – we should all be here to help us reach our individual goals. Maybe that means going plastic free, or maybe it means implementing a few swaps here and there.

The important thing is that you are here and you are making a commitment to living a more sustainable lifestyle. 

Step 2. Pinpoint your motivation

Why do you want to live more sustainably? Are you hoping to save money? Are you wanting to complete a challenge (such as plastic free July)? Do you feel obligated to “do your part”? Are you wanting to set an example for your children?

You may have multiple reasons for wanting to live more sustainably. Wherever your motivation comes from, keep it in mind during the ups and downs. Because, unfortunately, it is not always a straight path for developing new habits. Which is where the support comes in….

Step 3. Find support

Spread the word that you are taking steps to live more sustainable! The more friends and family who know about your goal, the more accountability you will feel. Plus you may also inspire them to make their own lives more green. It’s especially important to talk to your partner/household members to make sure everyone is on board with committing to lifestyle changes.

I’m here to support you in your sustainable lifestyle goals as well! If you sign up for my emails, you can be the first to know when I create checklists, plans, and product reviews so that you can save time. You can think of me like a running program (except a real-live person) that will help you navigate how to get from couch to half-marathon…. And that is not as much of an exaggeration because like running a long distance race you may need to pace yourself to make long-lasting changes. 

Step 4. Your time and money

Investments aren’t just money. Your time is also of value and often there is a trade-off between spending time and spending money. For example, you could sew yourself a set of unpaper towels using scrap cloth or with a few clicks on the computer you could buy some online. There are many different options for sustainable living swaps so that you can choose if you want to be on the DIY side or the buy side of the spectrum. 

Step 5. Don’t give up

I’ve had those days where my daughter has made “trouble of one kind and another” all day, and all my focus is on keeping it together, not composting or using my reusable paper towels. Sometimes I feel guilty about that at the end of the day, but I try to remind myself that I am doing the best I can and my mental health also needs to be a priority. The next day is a new day. It’s a day when I can recommit to my lifestyle changes. The key to success is to keep showing up.

So there you have the 5 steps to make sure your sustainable lifestyle goals are integrated into your life for the long-term. What are your sustainability goals? Do you have any tips for meeting your resolutions? Let me know in the comments!

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