Hello and welcome!

Do you ever read the news and wonder “What can I do about these problems that seem so insurmountable and out of my control?”

If you’re like me, that line of thinking has ruined many a Monday morning. 

My family and I recently took a trip to Crater Lake National Park, and it was beautiful!

Beautiful scenery like this is great motivation from protecting the Earth through sustainable living!

Unfortunately, it wasn’t all beauty. During our drive from Medford Oregon to the park, we saw the aftermath of massive wildfires that had destroyed trees and homes. A local told us that some of the hotels were still booked up from people whose homes were destroyed nearly a year previously. Sadly, these types of events are expected to become more frequent. We were reminded again of how critical it is for all of humanity to act more sustainably. For policy makers to enact climate-friendly policies, for communities to conserve habitat and proactively prepare for more extreme hazardous weather events, and for us as individuals to be more thoughtful and intentional in how we can lower our environmental footprints. 

That night, my husband and I talked about the ways that our family has moved towards more environmentally friendly living and ways that we need to improve.

So what can we do?

That’s where this blog comes in. This is a journey for us (and hopefully for you!) to challenge ourselves to live more sustainably. 

Unfortunately, sustainable living isn’t always clear-cut. What works for one person might not be possible for others. For example, you may be ready to start a compost. Your friend might be more inclined to shop the bulk bins at grocery stores. I learned that during the transition from being a single person, to being a couple, to being a mother that my needs, time constraints, and budget differed at each stage. That’s why we cover everything from tips for eco-friendly travel to baby products that will reduce single use plastic.

That’s why I want to help you meet your sustainability goals at whatever stage of life you are in. I hope that we can learn from each other about products and lifestyle changes that are worth our time and money and will make the world a better place.

What will the world look like when I retire? When my kids are adults? When their kids are adults?

Looking at the projections based on current human activities, let’s just say that it makes me want to stress-eat some ice cream. But these projections are also a call to action to change our lifestyles. We all can be part of the solution. I’m sure you also feel that call to action, and that’s why you are here. So wherever you are in your journey, let’s build a community together so that we can hold each other accountable to achieve our sustainability goals and make the world a better place.

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