Eco-Friendly back to school tips include educating others about sustainability

Are you ready to make a positive impact on the environment as you start another school year? My daughters are not yet in grade school, but even for daycare we need to do back to school shopping to get supplies they need for their daycare classrooms. These 7 practical and eco-friendly back to school tips for young kids to college students will get you thinking about how you can make a positive impact on the Earth as you start another year of classes.

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1. Choose a sustainable backpack

When it comes to choosing school supplies that align with your eco-conscious values, it’s essential to start with a sustainable backpack. A backpack may seem like a small item in the grand scheme of things, but opting for a sustainable option can make a significant impact on the environment.

So, what exactly makes a backpack sustainable? Look for backpacks made from recycled materials or those produced using environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. These eco-friendly backpacks often utilize recycled plastics, organic cotton, or even upcycled materials to create a durable and functional product.

Not only are sustainable backpacks better for the environment, but they also tend to be more durable and longer-lasting. This means your investment in a sustainable backpack will not only reduce your carbon footprint but also save you money in the long run. Plus, many sustainable backpack brands prioritize fair labor practices and transparent supply chains, ensuring that workers are treated ethically.

One option for younger kids is a Core Hemp Mini Backpack. It isn’t too big for young children and comes in a fun rainbow design. The backpack is made out of hemp, which requires less water than other plants to grow, doesn’t require the use of pesticides, and is a strong and durable fabric. The company partners with women in Nepal who make the backpacks.

2. Opt for eco-friendly school supplies

When you have your eco-friendly backpack in hand, it’s time to think about what goes inside it.There are many sustainable school supplies available, such as recycled paper notebooks, pencils made from sustainably sourced wood, and eco-friendly glue sticks. These choices not only help reduce the demand for new materials but also contribute to the overall effort in preserving the environment.

When shopping for school supplies, take the time to read labels and look for products that are made from recycled or sustainable materials. Many companies now offer eco-friendly alternatives, so you’ll be able to find a wide range of options to choose from. Additionally, consider buying in bulk or sharing supplies with classmates to minimize packaging waste and save money.

Here are a few fun sustainable school supplies to consider:

  1. Whatever leftover supplies from last year you can find. Remember that it is always best to start with what you already have on hand!
  2. Plantable pencils from Sprout Pencils – These pencils have seed capsules in them so you can plant them in soil when they are stubs and they will grow into beautiful plants. The pencils are biodegradable and sustainably sourced.
  3. Honeysticks beeswax crayons – These crayons cut out chemicals found in traditional crayons by being made from 100% pure beeswax with food grade pigments for color.
  4. Highlighter pencils – Cut down on plastic with these wooden highlighter pencils. They won’t bleed through your child’s papers and can double as colored pencils.

School clothes can also be a big part of school supply shopping. To make that more sustainable, consider buying secondhand clothes. You’ll be able to find fashionable pieces for higher quality and lower price than at fast fashion stores.

Sustainable school supplies for eco-friendly back to school shopping

3. Pack a waste-free lunch

To further reduce your environmental footprint consider packing a waste-free lunch. By doing so, you can minimize the amount of trash that ends up in the landfill.

To start, consider replacing single-use plastic bags with reusable bags or a bento lunch box. These options not only help reduce waste, but they also keep your food fresh and prevent leaks. Look for ones made from durable materials such as stainless steel, glass, or BPA-free silicone. You’ll also save money in the long run by not constantly purchasing disposable bags. Another great way to pack a waste-free lunch is to opt for reusable utensils. You could buy a fancy set online, but I just send some from my kitchen drawer.

When filling your kids lunch box, consider these zero waste snack options for kids.

P.S. Don’t forget the reusable water bottle.

4. Walk, bike, or carpool to school

Walking, biking, or carpooling to school is not only a great way to reduce emissions and congestion, but it also promotes physical activity and fosters a sense of community among students. By choosing to walk or bike you can actively contribute to sustainability while enjoying the numerous benefits of an active commute. Plus, it’s an excellent way to clear your mind and prepare for the day ahead.

If this isn’t possible due to the location of your school or age of your children, think about whether you could set up a ride share with other parents. Carpooling not only reduces the number of vehicles on the road but also helps save money on fuel costs and parking fees. It’s a practical choice that brings people together, fostering a sense of community and encouraging social interaction. Carpooling can also provide an opportunity to make new friends and strengthen existing relationships.

5. Practice energy-saving habits

To further contribute to a greener future and reduce our environmental impact, it is essential to practice energy-saving habits in our back-to-school routines. By being mindful of our energy consumption, we can make a significant difference in conserving resources and protecting the planet. 

One of the easiest ways to save energy at school is by turning off lights when they are not in use. Encourage teachers and staff to switch off lights in empty classrooms and common areas, and remind students to do the same in their classrooms and the library. Additionally, natural light can be utilized whenever possible, reducing the need for artificial lighting throughout the day.

6. Reduce paper waste by going digital

One simple step towards reducing paper waste is to opt for e-books instead of print textbooks. Many educational institutions now offer digital versions of textbooks, allowing students to access the same content from their laptops, tablets, or e-readers. Not only does this eliminate the need for printing and distributing physical books, but it also lightens the load in your backpack, making it easier to carry all your essentials (yay for healthier backs!)

Additionally, taking notes digitally on a device or using online platforms can significantly reduce the amount of paper used. Instead of filling notebooks with pages upon pages of handwritten notes, consider using note-taking apps or platforms that allow you to organize and access your notes digitally. This not only saves paper but also makes it easier to search for specific information and keep your notes organized.

When it comes to assignments and projects, many schools and universities now offer online submission platforms. Embracing these platforms not only saves time and effort compared to printing out physical copies, but it also eliminates the need for paper and ink. By submitting assignments digitally, you’re not only reducing paper waste but also embracing a more efficient and streamlined process.

7. Start a recycling program at school

What about all the paper that is still used? Implementing a recycling program offers numerous benefits, both environmentally and socially. It teaches students about the importance of waste reduction and responsible consumption, instilling in them lifelong habits that prioritize sustainability. By providing designated recycling bins throughout the campus, students and staff can easily separate their recyclables from general waste, diverting a significant amount of material from landfills.

Furthermore, a school recycling program can serve as a catalyst for community involvement. Partnering with local recycling facilities or waste management companies can provide educational opportunities, such as tours or presentations, to educate students and the community about the recycling process and its positive impact on the environment. This collaborative effort not only strengthens community ties but also instills a sense of ownership and pride among students as they witness the tangible results of their efforts.

In addition to paper, plastic, and glass recycling, schools can also explore other recycling initiatives. For example, electronic waste, such as old computers and printers, can be recycled properly, preventing hazardous materials from contaminating the environment. And food waste could be transformed into compost, perhaps for use by a school or community garden. By implementing a comprehensive recycling program that encompasses various materials, schools can maximize their impact on waste reduction and resource conservation.

What are your favorite eco-friendly back to school tips?

What does your sustainable school shopping trip look like? Do you have any favorite products?

Incorporating these and other eco-friendly tips into your back to school routine has the power to make a significant impact on our planet’s health and sustainability. From choosing sustainable backpacks and eco-friendly supplies to reducing waste and spreading awareness, each step you take contributes to a greener future. Remember, change starts small but starts now.

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