These eco-friendly date ideas for winter will help you to cozy up with your loved one

I always struggle to come up with creative dates in the winter when it is cold and dark outside – aside from my every night activity of wrapping in a blanket. But winter is the perfect time to cozy up with your loved one, and these ideas will help you to infuse eco-friendly aspects into your dates so that you don’t have to settle for ordinary. We’ll explore eco-friendly date ideas for winter that will not only make your hearts flutter but also reduce your environmental impact. From braving the cold outdoors to exploring local thrift stores, we’ve got you covered. 

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Outdoor eco-friendly date ideas for winter

These ideas will get you into the chilly air and will remind you of all the beauty and fun that winter can hold. Getting outside is great for inspiring sustainable living as you explore and appreciate the Earth.

Bundle up and go on a hike

Pull on your hats and gloves, it’s time to go outside! Winter can be a beautiful time for a hike. Hiking is good for your bodies and good for your spirits. Plus, it’s a great eco-friendly idea because it gives you time to appreciate nature. The woods are monochrome pictures that reveal stark silhouettes and peaceful vistas. It’s really beautiful to see the trees glisten with snow. You may need to be extra careful to watch where you step so that you don’t fall on slick spots, but that’s a great excuse to hold hands!

If you’re looking for a thrill, snowshoeing is another eco-friendly winter activity worth giving a go. With snowshoes strapped to your feet, you can explore the untouched snowy trails without leaving a trace. This low-impact activity allows you to immerse yourself in nature while admiring the breathtaking wintry scenery around you. It’s not only a great workout but also a fantastic way to connect with your partner and the environment.

Have a snowball fight

Snowball fights aren’t just for kids. In fact, when you are with your significant other it can be just as fun. It’s a chance to let go of any adult responsibilities and embrace your inner child. Get your competitive spirit flowing and don’t be afraid to set up an ambush. You’ll be sure to get a few laughs in and you can warm up together afterwards.

Go stargazing 

The air seems crisper and clearer in the winter. It also gets darker much earlier so you don’t have to stay up past bedtime to catch some magnificent stars. If you live in a city, you may need to drive out to where there is less light pollution, but the view will be worth it. Last December my husband and I saw the Geminids meteor shower from our backyard. We saw multiple shooting stars, and each one felt magical! Grab a cuddly blanket to bring out with you, and maybe some hot chocolate. 

Indoor eco-friendly date ideas for winter

Too cold to go outside? Try these cozy date nights ideal for staying in your warm home with your loved one. 

Thrift shopping

For a fun indoor experience, drive to your nearest thrift store and see what kinds of lost treasure you can find! From the silly and impractical to the items that you could actually use, thrift stores and fun to shop at because they are always changing. To make the date extra fun, you can buy each other a gift with a set amount of money to spend. To make the date more eco-friendly, you may want to set ground rules, such as only buying clothes that you can actually wear or repurpose. P.S. Take a look through my blog post here for thrifting tips.

Have a competition where you repurpose things

Speaking of repurposing, another fun date idea at home is to make something new out of items that are broken or no longer used. You can use tools like hammers and screwdrivers or keep it low key with paint and glue. Making something together is a great way to feel connected and gives you a keepsake at the end to remember the date.

Make a new recipe 

A lot of the dates my husband and I arrange involve food, because who doesn’t like a good treat? And those treats usually taste better (or at least are less expensive) when they are homemade. The next time you have a cold night, fire up the oven and try making a new recipe together. To divert single-use plastic, you could consider making your own bread or granola, or trying my 5 minute oat milk recipe.

Cozy up with hot chocolate and a movie

Make winter extra cozy by lighting some candles, making a couple cups of gourmet hot chocolate, and watching your favorite movie. You’ll snuggle in the blanket and be so comfortable it won’t even seem like winter outside.

Play a board game

Ready to turn off the TV for the evening? We have been trying to cut back on our screen time lately, and board games are a great way to do this.These eco-friendly board games aren’t just for kids (although they will love them too).  A fun game for two players that we have been enjoying recently is called Van Life


In the midst of a winter wonderland, you can create moments that are not only magical but also eco-friendly. By embracing unconventional date ideas that reduce your environmental impact, you and your partner can forge a deeper connection while protecting the planet. 

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